Melissa has reached elite status in two sports as she has piled on the muscle and developed exceptional strength. Her enthusiasm for training and competition is fantastic, and has doubtless contributed to her rapid success.

  • National champion in strongwoman
  • IFBB Bodybuilding Pro Card winner
  • Overall comp winner in bodybuilding

She has been awarded a bodybuilding Pro Card in the Bikini division with IFBB, following three shows in three months.  The first show, in 2022, displayed just how effective her training had been.

“I won not only my class, but was crowned bikini winner of the whole overall show!” she told Great Vegan Athletes.

Since then she’s changed her training and gone heavy, taking up Strongman.  In 2023 she competed and managed to get to the US Nationals.

“I’m also very proud that I placed 3rd at USS Nationals my first year in the strongman sport and placed 1st and won my pro card at Strongman Corp Nationals the second year I competed!”

Events at the 2024 nationals included a Conan’s wheel, maximum deadlift, axle/log press medley, farmer’s carry and sandbag throw. Heavy work!

She was alongside two male vegans competing in the heavyweight category.  All three qualified for the Arnold Sports festival.

Vegan power

Melissa has been vegan since 2013, following an experience related to her training in nursing.

“I saw first-hand what diet can do to your arteries & heart while shadowing during an open heart surgery. I couldn’t wait for that nutrition course to teach us how to prevent this and other diseases… the course was never provided.

“After graduation, I started to research for myself how food and disease were related. I found Forks Over Knives & Diet for a New America and it was like opening Pandora’s box; no going back.

“From there I learned about how a vegan diet can help the planet and most importantly the animals! They are the main reason why I continue to be vegan each day. I want to show the world you can be healthy, strong and compassionate by simply choosing peace each day with each bite!”

Now it’s something she sticks with all the time.  When she’s travelling to a different locality, it doesn’t raise many issues.

“I live a completely vegan lifestyle on and off the road. It’s quite easy, especially if you plan ahead with travel.”

When she’s at home Melissa has a lot of foods she eats daily including “a lot of air fried tofu, protein oats, and pastas made from beans that are high protein and TONS of fruit!”

She’s also fond of some junk food, including pizza, burgers and Mac and Cheese.

Fit to win

Diet is of course important but only part of what is needed to reach the sort of standards Melissa has reached, and she knows the value of training hard and smart.

“I usually start all my days with bodybuilding type accessories to get warmed up then I get my cardio and heavy lifts after. My coach (Andrew Hanus with the Stronger Together Team) is super athletic so he always programs burpees and pushups between heavy lifts -deadlifts, pressing events, etc.”

Andrew is supportive of Melissa in all ways, including her food choices.  He knows that plants have protein, and goes plant-based himself before his competitions to help his performance as well.

“As for the ‘gym bros’ they jokingly give me a hard time until I lift their same weights. This quickly shuts them up.”  If you want to give a vegan a hard time, make sure you can lift more than her first!

“I’m also lucky to be a part of the PlantBuilt team with the world’s most elite vegan CrossFit, Kettlebell, Strongman, Powerlifting and Bodybuilding competitors. It always helps to have vegan teammates cheering you on and helping you feel not so alone as a vegan!”

More to come

Melissa has a golden opportunity ahead now she has a place at the Arnold Classic Strongman.

“I hope to show up and show the world how strong vegans are on that world competition floor!” she says.

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